Survival of internet marketing depends on the success of traffic generation. There are free, as well paid techniques to increase internet traffic. Let we see both paid and free affiliate marketing techniques.
Article Writing: There are some people who are expert in writing quality articles. You can select such freelance sites. Post your article to their sites and also request them to submit some of their samples to your site. If you find some articles are well written, then you can select such writers confirm from them whether they will deliver good quality articles to your site. If you have good skill of writing then you can itself create own and trendy articles to avoid cost.
Google AdWords: In this technique you can pay the person if they click on the advertisements and provide comments on the ads. If you are an established internet marketer then this technique will really cost intensive for you.
Blogging: It is one of the important marketing tools, where you can compose your own article. Some free blogging platforms like Google Blogger and WordPress can be used where articles are categorized and present in the composed fashion. It also provides interactive facility for many viewers who ever visit the site. You can notice one thing is that visitors of the blogs will be converted to the customer later.
Networking: In case of networking technique, you can always come close to the target, and you can also keep in touch with the professionals who help you to achieve success. Overall this networking marketing tool helps to share the information and interactive with others.
Online Email Groups: You can find online email groups on many search engine forums such as yahoo or Google. You can start or invite people whom you know to participate in your forum of interaction.
Social Media: You can find many such social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and MySpace. You can use this media to connect people and establish your product. For connecting people you need to create multiple online profiles, and update them consistently will create good reputation among the people.
Bookmarking: This technique of marketing the sites will allow others to see your shared things. If you have learnt the method of tagging effectively, then it will be easy for you to increase traffic to your product or service. The best thing about bookmarking is sharing in the social sites will make others to carry on the work which you have started.
Forums: It is one of the affiliate marketing techniques where its outlets are terrific. In this you should follow the rules for posting. Try to provide informative postings rather than simple messages. You should never overdo it, and offer your help only when it is needed Forum should contain interesting topics which will encourage others to take part actively in the session.
Ezines: You can start your own ezines. You can develop a closer relationship with the readers by providing helpful and accurate information then readers will trust on you for advice. This will help the viewers to accept your information about the product.
All the affiliate marketings will not yield profitable online business. It all depends on the way you use the better. So try to pick possible affiliate marketing to yield better business.